Tuesday, October 21, 2008

SRS: Sample SRS Templates


This document describes the requirements necessary for the Software Project.


Explain what the software product will do

3.Software Requirement Specification
3.1. System scope

list all the features for which specifications must be created, designed, coded and tested as part of the project.>

3.2. Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations

The following is a list of commonly used definitions used throughout this document

5. UI Prototype (Optional)

Attach screen shots and explain control flow.

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6. Assumptions and Dependencies

State any known assumptions and dependencies

7. Non-Functional Requirements

7.1. Environmental Requirements

Hardware and Software requirements

7.2. System Performance Requirements

7.3. Security

7.4. Design and Implementation Constraints

7.5. Standards

8. Evisioned Future Enhancements / Open Issues

9. References

10. Annexures


Sky said...

thanx i have started preparing SRS and this is really helpful

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